Travian Server Script Download Files
Download the script bundle from Downloaded script bundle needs to be extracted into a particular folder on your Linux machine. After extraction of the zip archive, you will find scripts folder in it.
Below files will be present in the scripts folder: • account_setting.pl • archive_cleanup.pl • Backup_Script.pl • check_for_update.pl • Configuration.pm • Constants.pm • edit_supported_files.pl • express_backup.pl • Header.pl • Helpers.pm • IxHash.pm • JSON.pm • job_termination.pl • login.pl • Logout.pl • Operations.pl • readme.txt • Restore_Script.pl • restore_version.pl • Scheduler_Script.pl • send_error_report.pl • Status_Retrieval_Script.pl • Strings.pm • Uninstall_Script.pl • utility.pl • view_log.pl Provide an appropriate permission (executable permission) to the scripts. Example: chmod a+x *.pl.
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Setup your IDrive account You need to have an IDrive account to use the script bundle to backup your files. In case you do not have an account, please sign up and create an account To set up IDrive script bundle locally with your IDrive account, run the below command and follow the instructions. $./account_setting.pl Note: Setting up the script bundle for the first time will ask user to enter the service path. This path will contain user specific data required to perform operations via script bundle. Working with Scripts Using IDrive scripts, you can perform backup/express backup/restore operations, view progress for backup/restore, schedule backup/restore job, view logs files and much more. Log in to your IDrive account If you are not logged in to your IDrive account while setting up your script bundle, run the below command to login: $./login.pl Note: Login script is a mandatory script to be executed before performing any operation. This script will authenticate your IDrive account details and will create a secure session for your backups.
Edit your backup-set/express backup-set/restore-set, schedule backup-set/restore-set and exclude files Before starting backup/express backup/restore operation, the user must provide the list of files/folders required to backup/express backup/restore in the backup/express backup/restore set file. To update these details in the backup/express backup/restore set file, you must execute the below command: $./edit_supported_files.pl The menu option will be displayed. Select option 1 to edit backup set file for your immediate/manual backup. Respective file will open in vi editor to edit. Add the files/folders that needs to be backed up. Exclude Files/Folder from your backup set By using the Exclude files option, you can exclude files/ folders from being backed up to your IDrive account. There are three ways to exclude items with scripts: • Full Path Exclude • Partial Path Exclude • Regex Exclude Full Path Exclude To exclude files/folders with full path, • Run 'edit_supported_files.pl' script and select option 'Edit Your FullExcludeList File'. Boces adult education syracuse ny.
The 'FullExcludeList.txt' file will open in vi editor. • Add full path of the files/folders that you wish to exclude. • Enter each item in a new line. • Save and exit.
Example: Your Backupset contains /home/Documents and if you want to exclude /home/Documents/temp, enter the folder path ie: '/home/Documents/temp' in FullExcludeList file. Partial Path Exclude To exclude files/folders with partial path, • Run 'edit_supported_files.pl' script and select option 'Edit Your PartialExcludeList File'. The 'PartialExcludeList.txt' file will open in vi editor. • Add partial name of the files/folders that you wish to exclude.

Driver placa de retea lenovo. • Enter each item in a new line. • Save and exit. Example: Your Backupset contains /home/Documents and if you want to exclude all the pst files from this folder like /home/Documents/designtutorials.pst, /home/Documents/new.pst, /home/Documents/James/tutorials.pst etc, then enter 'pst' in PartialExcludeList file. Regex Exclude To exclude files/folders based on regex pattern, • Run 'edit_supported_files.pl' script and select option 'Edit Your RegexExcludeList File'. The 'RegexExcludeList.txt' file will open in vi editor. • Add the regex pattern of the files/folders that you wish to exclude. • Enter each item in a new line.