Chibios Usb Cdc Example

  суббота 13 октября

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After struggling with the ST library, I looked for other solutions coding for the F4. So I found the RTOS Chibios and got productive much easier. I wrote some examples using the ADC, PWM and the microUSB using either libusb or a generic USB-CDC driver to connect it to the computer. CDC setup has been pulled from CubeMx generated code and the STM32L476G_EVAL usb cdc example. This project echos anything written to the com port. The echo transmission occurs in the CDC_Itf_Recieve function of usbd_cdc_interface.c. CDC_Itf_Recieve is called by the usb interrupt after receiving data on the port.

Detailed Description Serial over USB Driver. This module implements an USB Communication Device Class (CDC) as a normal serial communication port accessible from the device application.

Precondition: In order to use the USB over Serial driver the HAL_USE_SERIAL_USB option must be enabled in. Driver State Machine The driver implements a state machine internally, not all the driver functionalities can be used in any moment, any transition not explicitly shown in the following diagram has to be considered an error and shall be captured by an assertion (if enabled).

Hi, I'm trying to run the (unmodified) example in testhal/STM32/STM32F0xx/USB_CDC on my STM32F072B-Discovery. The code is from svn r10430, compiler is arm-none-eabi-gcc 7.1.0. I'm able to flash the controller and run the code and I can also connect to the board and use the terminal, but after maybe 10-20 seconds, the board stops responding. According to GDB, it is in _unhandled_exception(void) and I get no meaningful backtrace. Observations so far: -The crash only happens when the USB cable is connected, otherwise it runs fine (but then it's kind of pointless.) -I see no USB packets in wireshark related to the crash, it even crashes when no terminal is connected and then I only see the initial enumeration.

-When connecting a terminal, I see weird packets from the device to the host which wireshark identifes as Ethernet II. I'm not sure if this is normal for CDC, but it looks suspicious. I did some more tests to narrow the problem down. I tested GCC 7.1.0 from the Archlinux repositories, GCC 6.3.1 from and GCC 5.4.1 from. The binaries produced by GCC 7 and GCC 6 crash after a few seconds, the binary produced by GCC 5 runs without issues for hours. The problem also disappears for the other GCC versions when I disable optimizations (-O0).

The traffic in wireshark looks the same in all cases, including (allegedly?) malformed packets and weird ethernet II packets. So it seems that some of the optimizations in newer versions of GCC break something? I also tried the USB_CDC example for the stm32f4-discovery, and that runs fine indepentend of the GCC version and the optimizations. Also, I don't see any of the weird malformed packets and ethernet II packets in wireshark, which I had on the stm32f072-discovery.

Hi, This is not the first time that GCC 6+ breaks something, I have not been yet able to understand the problem. Note that F0 and F4 have different USB peripherals and drivers, F0 uses USBv1 F4 uses OTGv1. Probably it is something in the USBv1 driver that triggers the problem. Right now I am not at home and have no way to do tests, if you have more info please post here.

Could you try to run enabling checks, assertions and state checker? If something is caught then we could have an hint about the problem.