Epic War 4 Hacked On Kongregate
↓ • i no find comment thing so i reply – Anonymous JK im here to suggest a thing u did w/ nolegs like im not telling u that u should or have to so if “Kupo707″ reads this i suggest in ebf5 that nolegs gets found like i the last one and u find a girl cat that is black with a white underbelly and she is pure magic defense, den nolegs show up and fall in love and natalie still talks to cats right and den jelly roll becomes a pet that makes u go over NINE-THOUSAND!!! Neo geo universe bios 3.2 system. But downside she make vulnerable to siphon.
(just saying)JK im not rude i just thought it was a cool idea and if you cant fit it in maybe it could go in a mini game *implies (ebf6?). And the person whose comment im using as leverage for sempii too noatis meh.
↓ • ShadowSun Ok, this game is great, and was awesome to play, but I have a few complaints/suggestions for the steam version, so without being too negative: 1. In EBF3, the ambient map music continued for easier battles. This made the ambient music set the scene more, and the battle music hint that there was a tougher battle.
In EBF4 the battle music is played so often that it becomes stale by the end, but the background music wasn’t on enough. The changing of the moves menu into Skills/Special (as opposed to Wmagic/Bmagic etc.) took away a small measure of character’s individuality in my opinion. For the Steam version, can we have more music? Maybe some stuff from the second game, such as “The Trek”? The witcher enhanced edition torrent mac app. That’s it, I don’t want to be negative, just give some helpful(ish) advice.
↓ • Mirolex Bought prem after finished game on kong) 1)Why u take off mini-games and rooms with medal access – it was so interesting part of game. 2)In ebf4 status effects are not so important – finished game on epic without any use of purification, which was very important spell in ebf3.
3) Summons are not so strong as they cost, may be u should turn some more of them into status buff/debuff, cus 80% of them are really uselless. 4)There are much more skills – thats good, but great part of them just are not effective. Also ebf4 is easier on epic then ebf3 – so this amount of skills became useless.
Epic War 4 features 5 unique heroes with unique combat ability. Of Epic War is nothing without the bravery of its heroes. Epic War 4 Hacked. Epic War Hell's Gate. ESPN Arcade Baseball. Euro 2016: Goal Rush. Euro Keeper 2016. Euro Penalty. Euro Soccer Kick 2016. Euro Soccer Stars. Every Man’s Refund.
Just a few suggestions in my opinion. Waiting for ebf 5 P.S:sry for eng – from ru. ↓ • got some great ideas fro EBF5 okay, since you can customize Anna, Natz, Lance and Matt, why not make your OWN character in which you can name and be either a boy or girl? Change the hair, skin color, eye color, mouth, and body build(girls can have big or small boobies, lol) what do you think KupoGames? Isn’t that a great idea for EBF5 idk bout story, but make it choose a companion from EBF1-4(Anna, Natz, Lance, or Matt) no legs can come with only Natz though. I hope this gives you some ideas to come up with the game, well then siehe ya freund!
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