Windows Xp Sp3 - Gamolama Rtm 512 Estilo Vista

  среда 31 октября

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Probably the same way a battle axe from the early middle ages becomes ancient. It still works, sure.

But it is indeed ancient. Given the choice between the axe and a sub-machine gun, I'd take the gun, thank you.

But that's just a false (or at least greatly exaggerated) analogy! For 95% of people, vista offers little to no significant advantage over XP, or 2000 for that matter. Take Oregon's example: a business still using 2000. What does vista have to offer over 2000 for them? Answer: nothing. My dad also uses 2000 for his business (and we have another computer that uses Xubuntu.) So in reality, XP, let alone 2000, is not 'ancient.' It may be older, but it is still a fully functional tool.

Take Oregon's example: a business still using 2000. What does vista have to offer over 2000 for them? Answer: nothing. My dad also uses 2000 for his business (and we have another computer that uses Xubuntu.) So in reality, XP, let alone 2000, is not 'ancient.'

It may be older, but it is still a fully functional tool. I would estimate that most of us who post here aren't using our computers for business solutions. I was posting thinking more of a home user. Leapware leapftp[h33t][dave3737]. At Verizon wireless we also use windows 2000. Which every other week or so, they need a technician to come in and fix something.

I've been using vista for over a year now without a single problem. But again, 2000 may be a good business solution and it may work. JoeBob's tire shop up the street is still using windows 95 for their point of sale OS and it works for them. Use what works for you. As far as upgrading to vista goes; don't do it, or do it.

If you keep your hard drive's out-of-the-box NTFS format for all the reasons FAT32 displeases, there's a workaround that will allow your Mac to read and write files to the drive. Is an open-source program that, when coupled with, will let you use your NTFS drive on your Mac. The alternative solutions do require more tinkering, but if you do not want to risk FAT32's lack of security, choose from one of the following alternatives. Option 1: Format to NTFS, and use NTFS-3G to read/write on Mac. Hfsexplorer portable.

My own personal reason for sticking with vista is my computer seems to run quicker, (snappier), boots up quicker, and I've yet to have a single crash. Considering we are here posting on an 'overclockers' message forum, I would take a guess that we're computer enthusiasts looking for the fastest, most efficient computer. Along with that, comes upgrading. Eventually upgrading will be necessary if you are an 'enthusiast'. (unless your a unix/mac user, then you shouldn't be in this discussion anyways) But again, it's all personal opinion. If DOS 5.0 works for you, why upgrade.

Does anyone who's running XP SP2 have real system problems that aren't OC or crappy-hardware related? I mean, sure, SP1 -> SP2 was good, added better driver support and native highs-speed USB 2.0 support (and a few other nice things to have)--but what the hell are they going to add/change/fix from SP2 that makes this SP3 delay such a big deal? Maybe I'm just out of it. Actually the reason i reinstalled Vista after 6 months of going back to XP is because XP started giving me BSOD's every 2-3 days for stupid crap. It always seemed to just crap out on me suddenly. Hell I was having issues with that stupid Dr. Watson crap and it got to the point I couldn't even use my PC.