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Advertisement You did it! You installed Linux, tweaked every little detail. And now what? Although Linux distributions come with plenty of pre-installed software, sooner or later you’ll want to Are you looking at a fresh installation of Ubuntu and feeling a bit lost? We've compiled this list of the first eleven applications you will need to install.
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“But how do I install apps on Linux?”, you might wonder. That is the question we’re tackling today.
The most common method of installing apps on Linux is from the repositories using a package manager. The principle is more or less the same everywhere, the main difference being the package management system of a particular distribution. Sound a bit Greek to you? Here’s an explanation. What Is a Package Management System? Linux software is usually distributed in the form of packages. In simplified terms, a package management system refers to the tools and file formats required to manage those packages.
Two most widespread package management systems are dpkg (uses.deb files) and RPM (its packages are.rpm files). The difference between package management systems is generally in their approach to the installation process (for example, RPM packages can depend on files, rather than other packages). Storm hawks sky race game.
You may already know that Debian, Ubuntu, and their derivatives use dpkg, while Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Fedora, Mageia, and openSUSE use RPM. Gentoo’s system is called Portage, while Sabayon can use both Portage and its own system called Entropy. Slackware and Arch Linux use tarballs (.tar files) that contain special metadata, while It's an understatement to say that Linux users have plenty of choice when it comes to which distribution they'd like to use. There are multiple approaches to accomplishing the same tasks, from what kind of. Of solutions.
Linux packages are just archive files (like.zip and.rar) that contain the application code and the instructions on how to install the application, where to place its configuration files, and what other packages it requires. The software that executes those instructions is called a package manager. Tip: Always make sure to use the right package format for your distribution. If you can’t find a.deb package of an application, but a.rpm one is available, it’s possible to convert between them. What Is a Package Manager? The desktop equivalent of an app store, a package manager is the central place to manage your Linux applications.
Think of it as the Add/Remove Applications dialog on Windows, but far more advanced. In fact, Windows users should be familiar with the concept, since nowadays Microsoft is adding yet another Linux feature to Windows. Package management can seriously boost productivity, increase security, and ultimately save you a lot of headache. We show you how it will work. Every Linux distribution comes with a package manager.
If you don’t like the default one, you can replace it (provided that the new one supports your distro’s package format). The package manager is where you’ll search for, install, update, and remove applications. It can have a command-line or a full graphical interface, and it stores the information about installed applications, their versions, and dependencies in a local database. This helps it clean up all the “leftovers” automatically after you uninstall an app. Tip: When you want to install a new Linux app, always search in your package manager first. If you can’t find what you’re looking for there, Installing Linux is like checking into an all-inclusive resort. Hardware works perfectly, and you get an impressive selection of pre-installed software.
But what if you want to try out some new Linux software? What Is a Repository?
Of course, your package manager can’t just produce packages out of thin air. It needs to fetch information about available packages from a location called the repository. It’s a collection of packages for a particular Linux distribution. The repository can be a network location, a local storage unit (a DVD, a USB drive, or a hard drive), or even a single file. Every distribution has its official repositories with thousands of packages. If an app is unavailable in the official repositories (or you just want the newest version straight from the developers), you can add new repositories to your system. Make sure to choose the repository that matches your distribution’s version.
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