Robonova-1 Software
It is control programming software for Robozak-1/Robonova-1 of the flow chart type to which the programming can be done only by the icon image of oparation (control command etc.) even one’s not good at the programming either not considering a basic language. Robonova 1 In 2005, the Korean company Hitec launched Robonova 1 – a fully customizable biped robot that has the ability to perform lifelike movements with the use of its smart Hitec muscles. The simple programming software embedded in the robot allows it to walk, run, flip and dance.
I have been loaned a Robonova with the task of getting him back in working order. Challenges that we are facing are: • Dead battery • Out of date software • Old-style PC connectors • Unfamiliar programming environment The objective is to bring this Robonova back to life.
Make him part of a child's dreams again. Make him dance or dab, or whatever little robots dream of doing. The plan of attack: • Locate a PC that can connect to the Robonova.
• Install a version of the software that works on that PC • Locate a Hello World sample program • Connect the Robonova -- tethered to power • Compile and download the program • Confirm it responds Round 2: • Try a more complicated program • Get the remote control talking to the robot • Locate a replacement battery • Get the robot to dab Let's get started! References: • • Book traversal links for Robonova •.
• Available in kit form • Also available as ready to walk (see options) • Exciting 16 degree-of-freedom humanoid robot kit offers a complete robot package • Can be retrofitted with several accessory modules • Can walk, run, do flips, cartwheels, dance moves • Once programmed, ready to compete in any Robo One Class “J” competition The beginners to robot programming will be pleased to use the RoboScript programming software supplied with the Hitec Robonova-1 Kit with Roboremocon. Without knowing any programming language at all, users can create operational subroutines with the 'click of a mouse'.

The RoboBasic is a programming tool based on the BASIC programming language and is provided for more advanced users. The Catch & Play Function allows a simple way to program ROBONOVA-1. Using RoboScript or RoboBasic, just move the robot into any position and click the mouse to 'capture' that position. Move the robot into another position and repeat the process. The software then links these 'captured' positions and once activated, smoothly transitions the robots movements through these programmed positions.
ROBONOVA-1 can be retrofitted with several accessory modules and ancillary items to customize its functionality. Package Contents: The Hitec Robonova-1 Kit with Roboremocon contains a detailed English manual and all components necessary to build, program and operate your own Robo One “J” class humanoid robot.
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