Telerik Radgrid Edit Template Validation Process

  пятница 28 декабря

In this RadGrid demo we show how the flexible server-side validation works in the edit form. This example demonstrates the flexible server-side validation mechanism of the Telerik RadGrid edit form. There are three properties available under the ValidationSettings section of the control which can. I have been working with Telerik controls for a little over two months (the ASP.NET AJAX suite) and have been continuously impressed with the quality and power they provide. I am working on a project that requires the upload of several different file types which need to be displayed in a grid once uploaded.

/ / One of the most important features provided by RadGridView is the data validation. Data validation features enable you to take complete control of the data entered in your grid's cells. The purpose of this tutorial is to show you how to validate data using RadGridView. • • • • • • • The data validation is controllable through events. Be sure you are familiar with all exposed by the RadGridView. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use the RadGridView declaration in Example 1. The RadGridView is with some sample data.

Example 1: Declare RadGridView. Figure 1: Standard appearance of RadGridView RadGridView exposes a property - ValidatesOnDataErrors - that controls the way the data validation, provided by IDataErrorInfo and INotifyDataErrorInfo Interfaces, is performed. It may be set to one of the following values: • None: Denotes that RadGridView will not perform any validation. • InViewMode: Denotes that RadGridView will perform validation only in view mode. • InEditMode: Denotes that RadGridView will perform validation only in edit mode. If the RadGridView is initially loaded with an incorrect value, no error messages will be displayed.

• Default: This is the default value. It combines the two previous ones - InViewMode InEditMode. Ratt and roll. Setting the ValidatesOnDataErrors property will not affect the UI validation provided by the CellValidating and RowValidating events.

Telerik.Windows.Data.INotifyDataErrorInfo interface was created for WPF 4.0. Version since System.ComponentModel.INotifyDataErrorInfo was available for Silverlight only. If using WPF 4.5, please reference System.ComponentModel.INotifyDataErrorInfo instead.


In R2 2016, Telerik introduced the ValidationType property of RadGridView. It provides you with the possibility to choose what type of validation to apply for each instance of RadGridView. It is a Flags Enumeration and can take the following values: • None: None of the validation mechanisms is respected. • DataAnnotations: Only validation through data annotations is respected.