Program Antrian Pascal

  суббота 27 октября

It is not possible for several reasons. First, there are several differences between the languages that are purely syntactic in nature, such as the way comments work.

Queue dapat diaplikasikan pada berbagai macam studi kasus, misalkan studi kasus antrian pembelian tiket, antrian di kasir, dsb. Free download facebook software for nokia n97 mini latest. Karenanya, implementasi queue banyak sekali digunakan mulai dari tipe datanya bisa menggunakan queue linked list, ataupun jenis queue itu sendiri seperti linear queue, multiple queue, dsb. Kode program.

Second, there is no way to write, for example, file handling functions that accept all types of files. Third, there are features such as interprocedure gotos that only the compiler can implement. I have seen many claims in the past that it is 'easy to bridge the differences between ISO Pascal and the Delphi language', but it is usually apparent that those making the claim haven't read the ISO 7185 standard in any detail.

It simply isn't that easy. Program Baca_berpasangan; Uses WinCrt; Var X,Y,Rx,Ry,Jx,Jy: real; Nx,Ny,i: integer; Begin ClrScr; Write('Masukkan Banyaknya X:');Readln(Nx); Write('Masukkan Banyaknya Y:');Readln(Ny); If Nx = Ny then For i:=1 to Nx Do begin Write('Data X ke-',i,' = ');Readln(X); Write('Data Y ke-',i,' = ');Readln(Y); Jx:=Jx+X; Jy:=Jy+Y; end else if Nx > Ny then begin For i:=1 to Ny Do begin Write('Data X ke-',i,' = ');Readln(X); Write('Data Y ke-',i,' = ');Readln(Y); Jx:=Jx+X; Jy:=Jy+Y; end; i:=Ny+1; Repeat Write('Data X ke-',i,' = ');Readln(X); Jx:=Jx+X; i:=i+1; until i>Nx; end else if Nx. Pascal is a programming language, developed in 1970 by Niklaus Wirth. An alternative dialect was created by Borland Corporation.

Their language went through several versions and names, such as Turbo Pascal, Borland Pascal, and finally Delphi Pascal. This page briefly goes over the differences between those dialects of the language. The title of this page 'Comparison between Pascal and Delphi' was chosen because Borland uses the name 'Delphi' exclusively for their version of the language. It is correct to refer to 'Pascal' in general as Niklaus Wirth's original language (and derivatives) and Borland's dialect as 'Delphi'.

When referring to Borland's previous dialects, the terms 'Turbo Pascal', and 'Borland Pascal' apply. The Term ISO 7185 or ISO 7185 Pascal is used here as synonymous with Niklaus Wirth's programming language Pascal. The ISO 7185 standard is the standardized version of Niklaus Wirth's language, as he has stated several times.


Turbo Pascal 7.0 Interface on Operating System while working at Initial release 1983; 35 years ago ( 1983),,,, /,, Turbo Pascal is a software development system that includes a and an (IDE) for the running on,,. It was originally developed by at, and was notable for its extremely fast compiling times. Turbo Pascal, and the later but similar, made Borland a leader in PC-based development.