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When I connect my 3G USB Modem to my laptop with 12.04, nothing shows up in Network-Manager. This modem is working in 11.10 and the modem is shown in Network-Manager but not in 12.04!! I have Huawei E156 HSDPA (3G) USB Stick and I did the following, also it worked for my samsung 3g mobile via usb cable.
Sudo apt-get install wvdial after installing wvdial type following lines in terminal to edit wvdial.conf sudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf Paste into your editor, the following lines: [Dialer name] Modem Type = Analog Modem Phone = *99# ISDN = 0 Baud = 460800 Username = ' ' Password = ' ' Modem = /dev/ttyUSB0 Init1 = ATZ Init2 = at+cgdcont=1,'ip','your Access Point Name' Stupid Mode = 1 Whenever you have to connect just type in your terminal sudo wvdial name Now you will be online with blazing speeds. I think this method is less time consuming and faster than other methods.