Ine Multicast Deep Dive

  четверг 30 августа

I started my CCIE studies several weeks ago (once I purchased the Routing TCP/IP Volumes). I have been reading through volume 1 and decided it might be time to put this all down into a thread! Yes the written will recert basically all certs (NA, NP, IE) that you have and reset the clock. If you like the INE videos, I would suggest just getting the all access pass. Wait for a promo, but I just got their 1 year that included 500 tokens, which for $1000 is a pretty good deal. Thats all the videos and workbooks, its like 500hrs+ in R/S alone. Good luck with it!

Apr 12, 2016 - I build my multicast with both ATC and Deep Dive. When I got back, I listened to ATC and did INE Workbook Volume I for Multicast, It went a.

Thanks for confirming, I do like the INE videos, but I prefer the thought of downloading the videos, hence the CCIE Exam Bundle! Work paid for it, so maybe I will look at the AAP in future. Update 1 So I've decided to provide a list of my progress so far, I have reading through the CCIE Routing TCP/IP Vol 1 book. Now I am running through this again whilst typing notes up into OneNote. So far, I have run through chapters 1 - 7.

I finished chapter 8 yesterday (EIGRP) - this was a big chapter! Whilst reading and taking notes I managed to go through the INE Written videos for EIGRP and do some labs in GNS3 following INE workbook labs. Today, I have spent most of the day running Chapter 9 - OSPF. This chapter is absolutely huge! I've managed to get about 62 pages through the OSPF chapter whilst note taking.

Not managed to do any labs or videos tonight so this will be my plan tomorrow whilst ploughing through the chapter. Jeff Doyle's book is fantastic, the explanation of OSPF and how it all fits together really is pushing up my CCNP knowledge up to that next level! Also purchased a couple of Cisco 3750 switches tonight from Ebay so this will certainly help labbing the switch technologies! I will be subscribed and tuning into your progress! I myself plan to get my offical start sometime near 2nd quarter 2017. Right now I am just casually reading Comer's TCP/IP Vol1 and will jump to TCP/IP illustrated with some sparse video watching. I look forward to keeping up with your progress and wish you the best of luck mate!

Defintely start on your journey! Recently looks like quite a few guys on TE have started their own journey's.

The Routing TCP/IP books are fantastic - look forward to seeing your thread! Update 2 So I have been a bit buried at work currently. I've been working on a project at work involving PIM Sparse-Mode. I've been buried in configuration and troubleshooting of that in the core of one of our networks.

I have been buried in RFC's and White Papers for Multicast. It makes me think I should have started on Multicast in my CCIE studies! I'm still running through OSPF (Chapter 9) in Routing TCP/IP Vol 1, nearly finished though - got about 20 pages left of the chapter and quite a wad of study notes! I've managed to run through some CCIE INE Videos also to suppliment the chapter! Hopefully after this Multicast project stuff at work I can crack on more with studies after work! Magic bullet looks keygen mac adobe flash. Update 3 Busy week at work on the Multicast I posted previously.

Managed to finish off the OSPF chatper from Routing TCP/IP - been running through some labs and gone through nearly all the OSPF INE Written videos. Hoping to get this squared away tomorrow, so I can then crack on with some Intermidate System to Intermediate System (it's a new topic for me so should pose some challenges)! Planning to get an understand of all technologies (from books and videos) then really go deep into labs and RFC's as Brian suggest from INE! Been a while since my last update! You will all be glad to hear I am still pursuing my studies - even with the Christmas break! Managed to all get the INE Advanced Technologies series for a huge discount!