Renegade Legion Legionnaire Pdf Printer

  суббота 29 декабря

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One-stop shopping guide to the Wiki. TOG ACADEMY: the Renegade Legion Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Legionnaire was the name of the role-playing game set in the Renegade Legion universe. While designed primarily as a stand-alone game, it could be integrated into the board games in the series, with stat conversions and guidelines for players who wished to do so.

Brought up this Rpg in the, and it's one I'm not familiar with at all. I mean, I vaguely recall seeing the Renegade Legion boardgames.

But that game line was released at a time that I was splitsville from gaming. (The window of time between 1989 and 1996 is a dead zone for me, for any Rpgs released during that time period). I do like military scifi Rpgs quite a bit, though, so I'm curious about Legionnaire. Anyone play it much, or are familiar with it?

How was the system? I haven't found many details on it. One gushing Rpgnet review from 1999.

Some description of the setting. It is very much a military SF game; the tank and spacecraft games are even more crunchy than Battletech (if you can believe it).

The setting is basically that after a few millennia of expansion and running in to a few different alien races (including one that actually confirms a little of that nutjob Von Dainken's 'Chariots of the Gods' nonsense about ancient astronauts!), humanity got mostly crushed down and oppressed by a hostile alien race (can't remember what they were called), and rounded up and scattered across the galaxy to be used as disposable slaves. One of them read some history books and asked the overlords if it was OK if humans practiced ancient rituals, the aliens said, sure, do whatever, just make sure you keep breeding and keep working dangerous jobs. Well, the 'ancient rituals' from the 'history books' were basically forming Roman legions and training in gladiator arenas, and eventually there was a massive uprising across dozens of star systems, and the enemy was cast down. Humanity kept the rediscovered Roman traditions since they seemed to work as a method of government; various good and bad emperors (and empresses) have come and gone but the last one has pushed the Citizens over the line, a fairly Nero-like fellow, hence the rebellion.

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There's two old DOS games that were kind of OK; one was a Wing Commander like 3d flight sim which had a pretty revolutionary feature at the time: the whole game installed off of CD and once it was done you could put any disk in your CD-ROM drive and play music from it to suit your tastes. The other is a more direct representation of Renegade Legion (the space battles game) in that it is a top-down, counter-and-hex style battle game. There were a handful of novels (maybe a dozen? Or fewer?), the games Leviathan (massive space dreadnaught battles), Renegade Legion Interceptor (space fighter combat), Centurion (tank/infantry/ground-support), Prefect (an 'operational' wargame that combines space battleship, space fighter and ground unit combat to control star systems, very abstract), and the very tongue-in-cheek Circus Maximus which is a chariot race game.

For the wargame(s) a few different campaign booklets were released (as was FASA's style with Battletech) that were full of linked scenarios. The role-playing game, Legionnaire, lets you play a character who might be a tanker, fighter pilot, ship's officer or whatever (or you might choose to leave them out of the military altogether, I mean, it is the Roman Empire but IN SPACE so there's plenty of intrigue to go around). A few 'modules' were released for it as well. It's strange; in the overall, compared to just about everyone else at that time there doesn't seem to be very much that was released for the game but compared to current RPGs it's an embarrassment of riches. If you really want to go down the rabbit hole and sample this game deeply, remember, these were all chit-and-counter style wargames: make sure any boxed sets you buy are COMPLETE or as near as can be.