Total Copy 1.2
Total Copy is a System Utilities software developed by Total Copy. After our trial and test, the software is proved to be official, secure and free. Here is the official description for Total Copy: Edit by Brothersoft: Total Copy is a improved version of Windows' copy-function. Here are some of the features. Manually Uninstall Total Copy 1.2 with Build-in Uninstaller Most computer programs are installed with its build-in uninstaller that can also help uninstall the program. * Click Start menu and move your mouse to.
Total Copy is awesome just for achieving these two little operations, namely pausing and resuming file copies. Unfortunately, it works only on Windows ME and XP, so Windows Vista/7 users cannot benefit from it. Installing Total Copy is a breeze; being a shell extension, the default installation directory is C:Windows. There’s no interface to this program and the only controls make themselves visible during a file copy operation.
To trigger the functionality of the software, right-click on the folder to be copied and select the ‘ Total Copy Here’ option. When and if you perform such an action, you will surely notice the ‘Pause’ button in the standard Windows Copy dialog. In addition, it copies your files and folders just a little faster than Windows; the copying speed can be adjusted via the Speedlimit slider.
Also, Total Copy works individually and does not interfere in any way with the standard Windows copy button. All in all, Total Copy solves a long-existent Windows problem.

When you’re in the middle of copying large files and you need to pause the transfer, the only solution is Total Copy. Unfortunately, development on this project has halted since long ago, which shuts down all hopes that one day we could enjoy its benefits on Windows 7.
If you've gotten tired of using the copy and move function of Windows Explorer, you might want to explore this utility software called SuperCopier. Don’t get me wrong. Copying files using the feature from Windows Explorer is good but for large files it is not convenient. It also applies for copying many files at once. Exemplars of evil pdf. It can be a drag and usually takes a lot of time. With SuperCopier, it lessens the time to do such task because it is faster and provides other great features as well. The pause and resume function is the one I like best since it allows prioritization of the urgent files that needs to be copied.
If there is an error during the process or if there are issues on certain files, SuperCopier offers a set of options that you can choose from. Some of these options include renaming a file, cancelling the copying of certain files, skipping the files and many others. Though the layout of the utility software appears rudimentary, its features are excellent.
We all know that Windows doesn’t stand out for its speed when it comes to copying or moving files. This is why using this software called SuperCopier is basically a good idea. SuperCopier manages the transfer of folders and files in a more efficient way than the typical Windows utility. You can run the program from its icon or you can simply copy and paste any files or folders in the usual way. This program is embedded in Windows Explorer and it will take care of the process.
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