Terramite T5c Serial Number Location
I did a quick search on google and found a lot of info. Capacities, weight, etc. Seem to be a favorite for rental's which would suggest they are well made. Just copy your subject line 'terramite t5c info' and do a search on google. Spare parts for T 5 C Backhoe Loaders Terramite available worldwide. Enquire hydraulics, transmission, filters, engine parts, sealing and many other parts now! Get genuine T 5 C Terramite and other Backhoe Loaders spare parts from Kramp!
My T5C was bought quite 'used' several yrs ago, but has been gittin' 'er done with great support from the TerraQuip folks since day one. A newsletter explained the recent change of ownership that should only make things better for us owners. I've never felt their website contained as much info as I like to see, but for those of us who do things well by phone I must say their service can't be beat.
(I download and printed a manual from their site) Despite some 'obsoleted' components on my older machine they've kept me going with a minimum of fuss on my part. I must say that T5C's boom swing is a bit narrow for much other than trenching (can't get close enough to a big hole to dig and dump), but I've yanked enough huge autumn olives by the roots and buried enough livestock to see no need for anything bigger for large scale gardening, etc. (drives thru' a 4' gate, and trailers easily!) The latest numbers I have for Terramite are 304-776-4231, 800-428-3771. Let 'em know which power you have (Honda, Kohler, etc) and they'll give you the part #s you'll need. Prices for some items may seem steep but not much can go wrong, and nothing is easier to service.
Damon albarn demo crazy rar: software free download full. Congrats on an enviably sweet acquisition! Ryck, On mine I get 32' extended and 24.5 retracted. But Be aware that mine is an older machine that doesn't have the extra links in the bucket hook-up (don't know what the links are called). The cylinder rod connects directly to the bucket. I've often wondered what the advantage to the link pieces is?
On this machine the chassis indicates it is a T5B while what look like original stickers on the backhoe and loader frame are T5C. I may have some kind of mutt, but she has done an amazing amount of work for me. Good luck with yours. If you have some work for it I bet you won't be disappointed with the work and expense it needs, to have a fine machine. Post some photos.

We like to see this stuff! You can see mine working and how the bucket attaches, when I still couldn't control well, early on, on youtube, onedamascusmaker. Hi Matt, Thanks for the info my t5c does have the extra links on the bucket. I FINALLY got ahold of the factory TERRAQUIP and they sell the cylinder for over $400 plus WITHOUT. Needless to say but I will be looking for an aftermarket one and adapt it to my machine. BY THE WAY the guy I spoke to at terraquip WAS A COMPLETE JERK! I had seen your video on youtube before joinging this forum.I have a friend who lives in CANCUN, MX who's last name is Damascus and your name caught my attention.
Cheers, Ryck. Hi Old gring, Thanks for the info. I was finally able to get through on the 800 hundred number but had a bad experience with the two guys I spoke with. My first call was to get the price and availability of the NEUTRAL PEDAL SPRING which is missing off of my machine. The parts guy told me that they only come in packages of two although it only requires one and that the price is $35.00 plus. He also said that in the future if I wanted any other part. DONT CALL IF YOU DON'T HAVE YOUR SERIAL NUMBER!
I called back the next day with my serial number to find out the price of the engine coupler to transmission and the price of the backhoe bucket cylinder. I was quoted a price of $168.00 for the coupler and over $400.00 for the cylinder. Well with the economy the way it is.