Serial Killer Confession Transcripts

  среда 05 сентября

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ANDERSON COOPER 360 DEGREES Serial Killer Next Door Aired June 27, 2005 - 19:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR: Good evening, everyone. Sonar cakewalk 2.0 free download. Tonight, a serial killer speaks, and what he says is terrifying. A special edition of 360 starts now. Confessions of the BTK killer. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) DENNIS RADER, CONFESSED BTK KILLER: And I came to the back door, cut the phone lines.

At first, everyone assumed that Eddie Gein had been running a murder factory. But during his confessions he made a claim that seemed, at first, almost too incredible to accept. He wasn’t a mass murderer at all, he insisted. We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us which serial killer confessions scare them the most. He'd lure them to his farm, kill, dismember, and grind them up to turn them into a meal. He confessed to an undercover cop that he wished he'd killed 'an even 50' before he was arrested in 2002.

(END VIDEO CLIP) COOPER: In his own words, Dennis Rader reveals how he chose his victims, how he killed them, and why. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) RADER: I went back and strangled her again.

It finally killed her. (END VIDEO CLIP) ANNOUNCER: Live from the CNN Broadcast Center in New York, this is a special edition of ANDERSON COOPER 360, 'BTK: The Serial Killer Next Door.' COOPER: Thanks for joining us this evening.

You and I, all of us, have seen a lot in this day and age. We've seen war and terrible crime, shocking brutality, but rarely do we get the chance to see evil up close, right in front of our faces, to hear evil with our own ears. Today we did, and tonight so will you. We're going to spend the next hour tonight watching, listening, and hopefully learning.

Dennis Rader, the BTK killer, stood up in a nondescript Kansas courtroom today and confessed his crimes, beginning in 1974 -- crimes which for more than some 20 years gripped the Wichita area. Ten victims, 10 lives later, the killings finally stopped in 1991. BTK stands for 'Bind, Torture, Kill'. We all know that. We all know a lot about the killings, about how he killed his victims. But today we learned and tonight we want you to hear this man speak, to hear how he evolved and changed, how he picked his victims, sometimes even at random, and how he talked to them before killing them. Look, we've all seen serial killers in movies and TV, but this is real -- not a boogie man jumping out of the shadows.

Take a look at this guy. Dennis Rader was your neighbor, a Boy Scout leader, a 60- year-old church-going family man who raised two kids while he was trolling and stalking and murdering his victims. In truth, what we've heard today perhaps for the first time is the verbal diary of a serial killer. Now we want to warn you, what you're about to hear in this hour may be disturbing.

Dennis Rader began today describing his first frenzied attack, four members of the Otero family in 1974. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) JUDGE GREGORY WALLER, SEDGWICK COUNTY DISTRICT COURT: Did you know these people? RADER: No, that's -- no, that was part of my -- I guess my, what you call, fantasy. These people were selected. WALLER: You were engaged in some kind of fantasy during this period of time? RADER: Yes, sir.