Quake Iii Arena 1.32c Patch
. _ _ ____ (_)___ __ _ _ _ __ _ _____ __ / / _ / _` / _` / / -_) _ _ ___/ __, _,_ __,_ _ _ ___ ___/ _ `---------- --------' The intent of this project is to provide a baseline Quake 3 which may be used for further development and baseq3 fun. Some of the major features currently implemented are: • SDL 2 backend • OpenAL sound API support (multiple speaker support and better sound quality) • Full x86_64 support on Linux • VoIP support, both in-game and external support through Mumble.

Oct 6, 2014 - quake3-1.32b/code/unix/ChangeLog - linux-specific changelog in Q3 GPL source. If so, why was the GPL'ed source still called 1.32b and not 1.32c or something. The SMP support as designed in the Quake III Arena technology isn't so. Update x86 VM code (better and safer optimisations) (Rick Johnson. Latest Updates Quake III Arena v1.32 c Patch Quake III Arena Full Source Code v1.32b.
• MinGW compilation support on Windows and cross compilation support on Linux • AVI video capture of demos • Much improved console autocompletion • Persistent console history • Colorized terminal output • Optional Ogg Vorbis support • Much improved QVM tools • Support for various esoteric operating systems • cl_guid support • HTTP/FTP download redirection (using cURL) • Multiuser support on Windows systems (user specific game data is stored in '%APPDATA% Quake3') • PNG support • Many, many bug fixes The map editor and associated compiling tools are not included. We suggest you use a modern copy from.
The original id software readme that accompanied the Q3 source release has been renamed to id-readme.txt so as to prevent confusion. Please refer to the website for updated status. More documentation including a Player's Guide and Sysadmin Guide is on: If you've got issues that you aren't sure are worth filing as bugs, or just want to chat, please visit our forums: Compilation and installation For *nix • Change to the directory containing this readme.
• Run 'make'. For Windows, • Please refer to the excellent instructions here: For Mac OS X, building a Universal Binary • Install MacOSX SDK packages from XCode. For maximum compatibility, install MacOSX10.4u.sdk and MacOSX10.3.9.sdk, and MacOSX10.2.8.sdk. • Change to the directory containing this README file.
• Run './make-macosx-ub.sh' • Copy the resulting ioquake3.app in /build/release-darwin-ub to your /Applications/ioquake3 folder. Installation, for *nix • Set the COPYDIR variable in the shell to be where you installed Quake 3 to. By default it will be /usr/local/games/quake3 if you haven't set it. This is the path as used by the original Linux Q3 installer and subsequent point releases. • Run 'make copyfiles'. It is also possible to cross compile for Windows under *nix using MinGW.