Nifty Options Trading Strategies Pdf
Two Golden rules are adopted by top traders of world. NEVER TRY to predict the direction of market. MANAGE your risk.
We are into Derivatives markets from last ten years and have seen lots of cycles of market. We have experimented with huge number of strategies at different points of time. We have seen that a particular strategy may work for few months and then may not bring desired results at all. And then you require a different strategy to get returns from the market. During all these years of research and experimentation, we always looked for a strategy which can work in all the market conditions. And we are very clear about our golden rules. No prediction of market as whatever analyses one may use, one cannot be correct more than 70% of times.
Call Option of Nifty having Strike 5500 @ premium 50 will benefit the investor when Nifty goes above 5550. Strategy Stock/Index Type.
What will happen in balance 30% of times? Stop loss – which is also a loss. So, why should we waste effort and energy on some method where we do not have any control. Second golden rule says, we need to manage our risk. We do not want to enter a strategy wherein we may loose our capital. Is this possible?
After going through many processes, we are able to zero in on a strategy with which we can work even for next many years. • It gives consistent profits. • It is protected from any vertical fall in the market. • We can sleep well after creating this strategy.
• We need not be glued to markets all the time. Seeing all these benefits, we named it as. But, you cannot execute the strategy blindly. (Obvious, because stock market is not a place to trade blindly.) We need to do a proper selection of our trade and hence we have developed STOCK SELECTION criterion for applying the MASTER STRATEGY.
In addition to this, we give you a complete ADJUSTMENT process to be adopted in the strategy as and when required. Any F & O strategy needs to be dynamic and hence adjustments are necessary part of any good strategy. And these adjustments do not mean that you are adjusting your positions every now and then. No, only at critical points, which are pre- defined, you need to do adjustment. So, overall the strategy document gives you following details:- a. Steps of MASTER STRATEGY b.
Adjustment process c. Stock selection criterion PRICE Master strategy (pdf file)* – Rs 6500 /- only # # (GET 50% fee refunded as brokerage reversal with our special tie up, Rate Rs 20 per order) Click to open account with our special tie up We will be sending you the pdf file of the strategy which contain example of execution also. Go through this and we will arrange for one hour online session for clarifying your doubts. * Includes one hour online doubt clearing session.
- Investment required per trade will vary from 2.0 L to 2.5 L according to the stock selected by you. Question which comes to mind is why a new strategy is required?
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There are already so many option strategies such as long strangle, short strangle, iron condor, butterfly, credit spreads, debit spreads etc etc and the list can be pretty long. They are all standard option strategies mostly useful for index options like nifty, banknifty and sometimes in few stocks. Jetaudio plus vx torrent download. All of these have their own risks and rewards. Sometimes they work and sometimes not. One may make good returns for three months and fourth month all your profits or may be major part of it may get wiped out. And major area of concern is, most of them do not work well in stock options because of poor liquidity in stock options.