Ipkg Opt Install Squid

  вторник 02 октября

Step: Edit squid.conf After the installation of squid, you will get an errormessage like 'visible_hostame not set'. So you have to edit the file /opt/etc/squid/squid.conf according to your requirements. I have installed the midnightcommander (mc) on my slug because I hate editing with vi!;-) If you open squid.conf and you are a nnewbie to it like I was, you maybe close it again and think about watching some TV instead. There are a lot (really a LOT!!) of options to set. To give you a starting point, I attach a working sample of a small 'quick and dirty' squid.conf.

First we need to install ipkg. From the web page, we can know which cpu architecture we have. For this example I will use a DS213air ( yes it is also a Wifi ). Let’s download it and install using ssh ( so use putty to the DS213 with root as login and admin password ).

You can tailor it again according to your needs. Step: Test, if it is working First of all, using a 'ps aux' you can check, if there is a pid squid residing in your slug. If yes - perfect. If no - what the hell did you do wrong!?

Restart at Step 2!;-) Now, open a Browser on any pc of your lan and change the network-settings from direct-Internet to use proxie. Settings: Proxy: (or whatever is the IP of your slug) Port: 3128 Use same proxy for all protocols. Save settings and try to load a webpage.

It should appear after a couple of seconds. If not - Step 2! FATAL: Bungled Default Configuration line 9: cache_mem 8 MB Squid Cache (Version 2.6. ): Terminated abnormally. I have tried freeing up memory, I have tried different versions, I have tried different configs, I've tried no config, I have tried many things without success. I always get that exact same error. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.

--Mannkind ==========================oOo========================================= Squid on Debian This will provide a local cache of accessed web pages and page components, hopefully speeding up Internet access all round. There is good documentation, in the Squid wiki. That’s a good thing because it has a formidable conf file, though thankfully most of it can be left as it comes out of the box. Ms office language pack 2007 serbian latin fonts. However, Debian makes it very easy for you, if you apt-get install squid it will install all the necessary files, create the disk cache, install and start the squid daemon.

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In order to get a working slug system you just need a few edits to the /etc/squid/squid.conf file: 1. Pick a port for squid to listen on, 8080 seems to be favourite http_port 8080 2. Allow access to machines on your network (obviously use your IP addresses)!

Acl our_networks src http_access allow our_networks http_access allow localhost 3. If you have the disk space, increase the size of Squid’s cache files (here 500Mb): cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 500 16 256 4. If you want to, identify yourself as the webmaster: cache_mgr bofh@slugspalace.org 5.

And then restart Squid: /etc/init.d/squid restart You can either set up the proxy name in the preferences for each browser or for all browsers in the system preferences (Mac OSX), something like if you are using a fixed IP address for your slug. An easy way to check that the cache is being used is to enter a non-existent URL in the browser, you will get an error message which is obviously from the proxy if its working OK. By default Squid will log every URL entered by every user on your network in /var/log/squid/*. Once you are happy it is working OK you need to decide whether or not to keep doing this. If you decide to respect their privacy you can stop the logging by replacing the logfile names with none in squid.conf.

Tuning After running with Squid for a few days, a couple of problems came to light when the network was quite heavily loaded. Firstly Squid was running at about 40% of available memory, secondly when two or more people were downloading large files or streaming video then the video streams would stutter and rebuffer. Although this wasn’t a major problem most of the time (there are only five potential concurrent users of the network!) it was time to start poking around in squid.conf again.


There is a fair amount of tuning information around on the web, but most of it is aimed at large scale operations and scaling up the proxy, rather than squeezing as much as possible out of a little box. Also the most obvious move for most users is to add more RAM, an option not open to me in this case (I’m not ready to wield the soldering iron just yet). Nevertheless there seemed to be a few things worth trying. Firstly I moved the squid cache to my faster hard disk, and upped the size to 1Gb. I was tempted to go higher, but exercised some caution as allocating more space here also increases the RAM usage slightly. I also DECREASED the number of level 1 sub-directories to 8.