How To Play Burned Ps3 Games Without Modding The Ps3

  понедельник 07 января

Play backups on ps3 without jailbreak you how to install free games on ps3 no jailbreak you how to and install ps3 games without jailbreak via usb how to get ps3 games free usb no jailbreak you Share this. Yes you would need to JailBreak it but be warned Sony according to rumor is bricking JB PS3 to make them virtually useless so I wouldn't do it unless you plan on buying another PS3! Chemsketch download free version.

So, I haven't checked on the PS3 modding scene for years, and still have that console catching dust. However, with my new Arcade Stick running the PS360+ I'm in for some old arcade shmups that had Japanese PS1 ports. A quick Google Search only gave me 'complicated' modding methods, or the old swapping trick that doesn't work on my phat PS3. But I remember the PS3 being hacked beyond Sony's control through leaked root keys. So does anyone know of a more simple software-based method to play burned PS1 games on a PS3?

I don't know wat the hell is everyones problem but all i asked was a simple yes/no question, but instead everyone thinks their hilarious typing stupid jokes that are not funny. People from comic view are even funnier than any of u maticones` GlockXIII You want the real truth? This is a sketchy topic. One wrong word and you will get moderated for talking about such things. Anything dealing with copying, modding or cracking systems is not to be discussed on Gamespot Forums. There are sites out there to freely discuss this topic however I can not tell you where they are because Gamespot also forbids that.

All I can tell you is: try google. Nice gamer tag BTW. Install mikrotik lewat usb.