Getopenfilename Default File Path On Word

  понедельник 17 сентября

With report print preview, you can select Save & Publish, Save Object As, PDF or XPS, then click on Save As. This opens a dialog set to folder Libraries, Documents.

I would like to change this location using VBA within the Access app. Ebru turkce ders kitabi pdf to excel. Note that this doesn't seem to be the SetOptions Default Database Folder. It seems to be a Windows Explorer default.

Getopenfilename Default File Path On Word

Opening Windows Explorer and setting the properties there is not a choice; this is software for an end user and I would like to set this default from within Access. I don't see how you could change this while users are using the SaveAs commands on the built-in ribbon. However if you wrote your own code for the user to save the report as pdf or xps, then you could use code to open Windows Explorer at the folder you want. Here is some code I have used for years to open Windows explorer. It uses the well known FileOpen code which you can get here: It also uses a function called fGetSpecialFolderLocation, which you can get here: ------------------------ Public Function fctGetSavePath(strFileName As String, _ Optional varDirectory As Variant, _ Optional varTitleForDialog As Variant) As Variant 'modified 12/4/06 On Error GoTo FunctionErr Dim strFilter As String Dim strSaveFileName As String 'name to save file as Dim strPath As String 'new file save as name Dim lngFlags As Long ' don't bother displaying the read-only box. It'll only confuse people. I don't see how you could change this while users are using the SaveAs commands on the built-in ribbon.

The below Macro allows you to select any file types and allow multiple selection. Public Sub test() fpathArray = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:='All Files,*.*', Title:='Select file', MultiSelect:=True) End Sub. Suppose we run the Macro and select the below three files, click on Open. Then the three file paths are stored in fpathArray. The returned name may include a path specification. If MultiSelect is True, the return value is an array of the selected file names (even if only one filename is selected). Returns False if the user cancels the dialog box.

However if you wrote your own code for the user to save the report as pdf or xps, then you could use code to open Windows Explorer at the folder you want. Here is some code I have used for years to open Windows explorer. It uses the well known FileOpen code which you can get here: It also uses a function called fGetSpecialFolderLocation, which you can get here: ------------------------ Public Function fctGetSavePath(strFileName As String, _ Optional varDirectory As Variant, _ Optional varTitleForDialog As Variant) As Variant 'modified 12/4/06 On Error GoTo FunctionErr Dim strFilter As String Dim strSaveFileName As String 'name to save file as Dim strPath As String 'new file save as name Dim lngFlags As Long ' don't bother displaying the read-only box. It'll only confuse people.