Dissidia Duodecim Texture Hack Tutorials
Hi everyone, Started ripping audio off of the original final fantasy X and i didnt think porting them into dissidia would be this hard. Pretty much i have a load of 'WAV' formatted clips and qoutes of everyone. The following is a list of downloadable content available for Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy. All of the content below must be downloaded at the PlayStation Network via PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita or the Media Go freeware by Sony, by using either codes distributed in.
Square Enix is bringing back its ultimate crossover fighter for another round on PSP. This week's Weekly Shounen Jump confirms a Dissidia Final Fantasy sequel, which uses some expected unconventional Tetsuya Nomura naming: Dissidia Duodecim: Final Fantasy. The magazine shows playable Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII and Kain from Final Fantasy IV.
We couldn't see any further details beyond this. The wait for more info shouldn't be long. In a Tweet earlier today, series director Tetsuya Nomura confirmed that one of his secret unannounced games would be playable at next week's Tokyo Game Show. It's likely that Dissidia is that very game. Dissidia Duodecim is scheduled for Japanese PSP release in 2011. Source: IGN SCAN: All I can say is Ramza better be in. Dragon ball z kai english. Last news I heard, Lightning was a fabricated hoax, let's hope it's not true this time.
Wishlist: FF1: Red Mage FF2: Leonhart or Maria FF3: Um.? FF4: Kain's a gimmie, but maybe Edge. FF5: Faris, plz.
FF6: Shadow + Interceptor PLZPLZEPLZ. FF7: Tifa or Aerith. Or wait.no.VINCENT. FF8: Seifer or maybe Irvine. FF9: Vivi or Amarant maybe. FF10-2: Paine?
FF11: Cid maybe? FF12: Balthier. Just, Balthier. FF13: Lighting. FFVS13: Noctis PLZ.
As for anyone asking.it's a mix of being a action fighting game, with RPG elements, but those RPG elements can get taken out for balance purposes, depending on how you want to play, in other words you CAN level up and equip weapons+accessories and stuff, learn new attacks etc.but if you're playing a tournament, that stuff is sealed and you have default settings. I dunno what they got planned for villains this time around though. D: To anyone who doesn't know how Dissidia plays, here's an idea.
Okay, time to hop on the bandwagon with a character wishlist. Unlike Suzaku's this won't follow a hero has to have villain format. Also, forgive some of my choices, I haven't played every FF. FF4- Kain FF5- Gilgamesh (You know you want to) FF6- (I have not played. Thus, to avoid some backlash, I'm leaving this to those who know it) FF7- Tifa (We need a fist-fighter besides Jecht) FF8- Sleifer (As it should've been in the first place!) FF9- I dunno. Never got that far.
But I'm sure Vivi could play at least a bit differently than Shantoto FF10- Auron. (Yuna is cool and all but. Auron is BADASS) FF12- Balthier (Because he was the only one I really liked) FF13- Add Sazh if possible. But it's not likely. FF14- GENERIC HERO!
Yeah, FF14 isn't gonna get a rep I bet. Pipedream KH: Lingering Sentiment (This is never happening.
Install cutepdf printer. But it's the most badass KH character ever and if they HAD to put a KH character in.).
I've been looking through the Dissidia threads, and didn't see any mention of these models, so I thought I'd put this up here in case any of the Dissidia rippers are looking for a direction to take their ripping in. I'd love to see ripped models of Laguna in his Galbadian army uniform, Bartz in his original SNES (or Super Famicom, if you prefer) outfit, and Ultimecia cosplaying as Edea. Um, that is, those *are* actually in the game, right?
I saw videos on YouTube showing them before the game came out, but.well.I didn't actually like the first Dissidia, so I wasn't going to shell out money on the second one (even though they added my favorite character) and suddenly I'm wondering if no one's ripped these 'cause they got dropped. Yeah, so, if they really do exist, it'd be really fantastic if someone wanted to rip them.
EDIT: Looking at the Textures Resource, I can now confirm that those models *were* in the game, as their textures have been ripped. According to the texture uploads, they're Bartz's P3, Laguna's P2 and Ultimecia's P3. (, 01:00 AM)SierraLatkje Wrote: Um, none of the models I mentioned are there. OK, I just figured that maybe they were there since I don't really know what there clothes looks like. I'll upload them unless someone else wants to.