Decrypt P File Matlab Software

  вторник 05 февраля

A simple disp('Hello World') gave me this: 7630 312e 3030 7630 302e 3030 0007 301c d3e7 7fb1 0000 0004 0000 002a 0000 0035 4c97 ee76 779b d4b9 3948 d7ea 798c 05ba c67a 2a56 c4de d7f9 7446 1d59 0472 b700 cfc0 84f6 6c3d a042 08a7 pcode Create content-obscured, executable files (pcoded files). Makes content-obscured versions of F1, F2. The arguments F1, F2. Must describe MATLAB functions or files containing MATLAB code.

If the flag -INPLACE is used, the result is placed in the same directory in which the corresponding file was found. Otherwise, the result is placed in the current directory. Any existing results will be overwritten.

Needed private and class directories will be created in the current directory if they do not already exist.

Hello, We would like to protect our MATLAB algorithms and we were thinking of using 'pcode' but in order to understand how protected the code will be I would like to know how this protection system works. I was reading the description in the Mathworks webpage and in some places this method is described as an encryptation (which means a key is needed to decrypt the code) and in some others it was shown as content-obscuring (which we understand as obfuscation like in Java or.NET). So what it is really? When we use the pcode function, no key o seed is asked so I asume that the same key is used everytime, which will allow MATLAB decrypting the code in any computer without additional information.

EDIT2: I have a small fix in testing for the release to address some minor issues reported so far and some omissions. Once tested I will post. Slave maker 3. Force pregnancies on Slaves, Assistants, the Slave Maker, and any owned Minor Slave. Move or copy the folder named 'Events' into the directory for Slave Maker 3. The directory is the folder where. Slave Maker 3.3.01: fixed - No images for Count Gossem BE meeting - an incorrect image for Mai - speed/fix for talk to minor slaves - small changes for city places - talk to slaves - intimacy.

Is there a key? Is this key an static key used by MATLAB? I have read in your forum that MATLAB 'compiles' (may I use this word?) this code to a bytecode which is executed in a virtual machine. So is this process made everytime we use MATLAB (I mean the half-compilation to bytecode and after the final compilation in the virtual machine) or that bytecode and the VM are only used for the pcode? In that case would it be possible to install the VM simply in a computer without the rest of the tools from MATLAB? I really need to justify if MATLAB's pcode is safe enough for our needs so I would be glad I could have all this information.

Thank you for your help. Pcode is a matlab function that encrypts m-files so that they can still be executed but the code is not readable anymore. Do any of you know of a. Matlab's license conditions explicitly disallow a reverse engineering.

I'm talking about decompilation of a p file to a human readable and (very likely) executable m file, by a simple command line statement. A search in google brought up software that seems able to do just that. Decrypt P File Matlab Code. 5/18/2017 0 Comments. Pf file extension is also given to files that have been compressed by the Stuffit Deluxe file compression software. These files are password- protected and encrypted in addition to being compressed. RSA is an algorithm used by modern computers to encrypt and decrypt messages.

So the depth of the investigations and the public discussion must be limited to the obvious facts. I have done experiments with P-coded files for the same reasons as you. In modern Matlab versions PCODE produces a different result for each run. This could either mean, that a random key is stored in the P-file or Matlab has a static key and adds some random salt to the P-file.


For an decryption algorithm both alternatives are almost identical, because the decrypted salt can be seen as a key stored in the file. The P-files are much smaller than a zipped version of the M-files.

This seems to imply, that the P-files are a kind of byte coded. For large M-files with 10'000th of lines opening the P-file the first time is faster than for the M-file. But this can be an effect of the file size. Because currently the P-code algorithm is not documented, the best reliable assumption is that a weak to very weak encryption method is applied, such that it is more a kind of obfuscation.

At least the comments are guaranteed to be removed, such that even a decryption of a large file does not allow to understand the code directly. I've seen even comment free M-files in the FEX which are not usable. This is a pessimistic point of view. It is based on the fact, that strong encryption methods can be documented in public without reducing the security, but with increasing the trust of the users. This is not a proof, that an undocumented encryption is weak.

But sometimes an educated guess is enough in computer science. I do not recommend to try this: Insert some really criminal terms concerning the internal security of the United States in a string inside a P-coded. Send the P-code around by email. When you get a visit from the intelligence service, P-coding is weak.

Or it proves, that sending encoded files catches the attraction already. (While this might be a slightly off-topic joke, it is not funny and it concerns the security level of P-files.) Methods for a strong AES encryption have been removed from the FileExchange, because they conflicted with the US laws. But you can copy the C-code from the PDFs published on the NIST servers freely and legally, because PDFs are covered by the freedom of speech. Then you could try to apply your own strong encryption to P-files mounted as memory mapped files.