Crosshair Overlay

  четверг 06 декабря

Villanuk said: “ Well its an 'aid' to help you aim, or direct your bullets at a target from a third party program, for me thats cheating. ”blue tac dot on your screen does the same thing. Some monitors have the ability built in. There are accessories for sale that you can stick to your monitor for a cleaner, almost overlay quality center dot. Meanwhile overlays are used for VOIP chat programs and Recursion stat tracker (which also has it's own XHair overlay feature) They can't very well do much about it, and it's not cheating.

There's plenty of ways to overlay a borderless window crosshair. But using borderless windowed mode increases input lag and can adversely affect. The crosshair overlay does not increase input lag, it would not be worth doing if that were the case. Make sure that the space around your crosshair is even, as the Recursion Crosshair Overlay will. One hit kill hack wow

It's just a marker showing you where the center of your screen is. If you had a 4 monitor, bevelless display setup, you'd even have one naturally. FFS everything but vehicle 3PV has a goddamn center dot anyways.

Is all this whining about vehicle 3PV shooting? Because frankly the only vehicle I've seen of it in ANY use is the Lightning because the camera angle sucks balls for the rest. User101 said: “ Yes teamspeak has always been allowed. Mumble not in the beggining. Then later on they let mumble in. But some of the gaming crosshairs programers they banned people for. If it uses direct X you get banned that is still in the game for catching hacker.

”Ok, well if you're running something in DX, yeah. Cause they can't always tell what you're doing so it's just not allowed. So I suppose WHICH overlay you use does matter then.

But overlays in of themselves are fine. If it's achieved via a means that something else not allowed could be done, then no, it's not allowed. Easy answer is use the Recursion one, seeing as they've gone out of their way to make sure Recursion guys both follow rules and have the tools they need. They're almost practically officially supported. ****, you can even interact with the recursion overlay using the game cursor (it's really just a cursor style override while PS2 is active app, and windows cursor is visible, and the overlay takes the click instead of PS2 because it's layered in front of the game).

FLHuk said: “ And this circle argument again. The Devs did not make a game they wanted overlays in. More they can't bloody police them so have taken the path of least resistance! ”The Devs took the lazy and stubborn route. Too stubborn to concede that their game is inferior in Player's eyes without the use of 3rd Party Tools. And too lazy to implement those mods directly into the game.

If they'd taken care of business on the issue, then we wouldn't see this issue still smoldering. PS2 is already a NIGHTMARE of non-intuitive, cryptic, and extensive steps to optimum gameplay. Already bogged down by misinformation, outdated information, and gems of info tied into obscure 3rd party resources. Bloated with career bugs that have obscure workarounds. And now we're adding the need to harness 3rd Party mods to access optimum gameplay. Not even a top notch ingame tutorial can make this game easy to get into, unless that tutorial comes with FAQs on how to install legal 3rd Party Mods and links to 3rd Party resources like Oracle of Death.

As has been said, not implementing multiple crosshair options (for ALL units) in this game is ridiculous. Not implementing (directly inside the game) versions of the allowed 3rd Party Mods is ridiculous.