Worm Gear Design Calculation Pdf Creator
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[] - by: - Some words about MITCalc Worm Gear Calculation: Geometric design and strength check of worm gear. Application is developed in MS Excel, is multi-language and supports Imperial and Metric units and solves the following main tasks: - Calculation of gearing dimensions.
Nation of the teeth ensures better osculation of the flanks and thus. Highest range of transmissions. ▫ Single-stage CAVEX® gear for standard transmissions. We produce worm wheel sets in versatile designs according to customer drawings. Profile of the gear with state-of-the-art calculation tools.
- Automatic transmission design with minimum input requirements. - Design for safety coefficients entered. - Calculation of a table of proper solutions. - Calculation of complete geometrical parameters. - Calculation of strength parameters, safety check.
- Gearing design for precise centre-line distance. - Auxiliary calculations (heating, shaft design). - Support of 2D and 3D CAD systems. - Support of 2D and 3D CAD (AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, IntelliCAD, Ashlar Graphite, TurboCAD, BricsCAD, ZWCAD, ProgeCAD, Autodesk Inventor, SolidWorks, SolidEdge, Creo). The calculations use procedures, algorithms and data from standards ANSI, ISO, DIN, BS and specialized literature. Used standards: ANSI/AGMA 6022-C93 (Revision of AGMA 341.02), ANSI/AGMA 6034-B92 (Revision of ANSI/AGMA 6034-A87), DIN 3996, DIN 3975-1, DIN 3975-2 and others.
This module is a part of MITCalc - Mechanical and Technical Calculation Package for gear, belt and chain drives, springs, beam, shaft, bolt connection, shaft connection, tolerances and many others News, new features for this Minor Update: Minor changes, translations LT, IntelliCAD, Ashlar Graphite, TurboCAD, Autodesk Inventor, SolidWorks, SolidEdge, Creo).
Machine Design II Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof.
M.M.Mayuram Indian Institute of Technology Madras Module 2 - GEARS Lecture 15 WORM GEARS Contents15.1 Worm gears an introduction 15.2 Worm gears - geometry and nomenclature 15.3 Worm gears- tooth force analysis 15.4 Worm gears-bending stress analysis 15.5 Worm gears-permissible bending stress 15.6 Worm gears- contact stress analysis 15.7 Worm gears- permissible contact stress 15.8 Worm gears -Thermal analysis 15.1 INTRODUCTION Worm gears are used for transmitting power between two non-parallel, non-intersecting shafts. High gear ratios of 200:1 can be got. (a) (b) Fig.15.1 (a) Single enveloping worm gear, (b) Double enveloping worm gear. Machine Design II Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram Indian Institute of Technology Madras Fig.15.2 The cut section of a worm gearbox with fins and fan for cooling 15.2 GEOMETRY AND NOMENCLATURE Fig. 15.3 Nomenclature of a single enveloping worm gear Machine Design II Prof.
K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram Indian Institute of Technology Madras a. The geometry of a worm is similar to that of a power screw. Rotation of the worm simulates a linearly advancing involute rack, Fig.15.3 b. The geometry of a worm gear is similar to that of a helical gear, except that the teeth are curved to envelop the worm. Enveloping the gear gives a greater area of contact but requires extremely precise mounting. As with a spur or helical gear, the pitch diameter of a worm gear is related to its circular pitch and number of teeth Z by the formula (15.1) 22Z pd 2.
When the angle is 90 between the nonintersecting shafts, the worm lead angle is equal to the gear helix angle. Angles and have the same hand. The pitch diameter of a worm is not a function of its number of threads, Z1.
This means that the velocity ratio of a worm gear set is determined by the ratio of gear teeth to worm threads; it is not equal to the ratio of gear and worm diameters. (15.2) 12 1 Z= Z2 5. Worm gears usually have at least 24 teeth, and the number of gear teeth plus worm threads should be more than 40: Z1 + Z2 > 40 (15.3) 6. A worm of any pitch diameter can be made with any number of threads and any axial pitch. For maximum power transmitting capacity, the pitch diameter of the worm should normally be related to the shaft center distance by the following equation (15.4) 10.875 0.875C Cd3.0 1.7 Machine Design II Prof. K.Gopinath & Prof. M.M.Mayuram Indian Institute of Technology Madras 8.
Integral worms cut directly on the shaft can, of course, have a smaller diameter than that of shell worms, which are made separately. Shell worms are bored to slip over the shaft and are driven by splines, key, or pin. Strength considerations seldom permit a shell worm to have a pitch diameter less than d1 = 2.4p + 1.1 (15.5) 11. The face width of the gear should not exceed half the worm outside diameter.