Quake 2 Demo Pak0.pak Download

  пятница 28 сентября

The pak0.pak file that comes with Quake is required by all Quake engines.It contains the maps, models, programs, sounds, and skins required to play Quake Episode 1, Dimension of the Doomed.It is expected to be in the ID1 subfolder of the Quake root folder.

As the STL classes do not implement a virtual destructor, it could be dangerous to derive from them. You bring up a good point (it has been a while since I have read the Scott Meyers Effective C++ books, but I think they are some of the best). The ItemVector class does not really do anything; it's only there to make the C++ compiler happy when passing the STL list to a managed class.

My understanding is there is not a problem since the code always uses a derived pointer (problems may occur when using a base pointer to a derived class). The code could be modified to use containment instead of inheritance though. -- ralph arvesen. AndyDragon 20-Jul-03 1:27 20-Jul-03 1:27 This is a cool project, but serves as an example of how conversions from C -> C++ (especially when converting types qboolean) can be frought with danger. There are structures which pass between this new C++ code and older, existing C code, so the layout of the structures must remain the same, or BOOM!

Qboolean was an enum (or int) which is 4 bytes in length. Bool in C++ is 1 byte in length. Any return values are okay, because return values will be placed in EAX which means that's not a problem. I did not see any places where qboolean was passed as a parameter either. However, the structures contain a few which are passed back and forth. So how to we keep this cool new stuff and continue to have access to existing gamex86.dll files? Download dakwah islam. Pad the structures of course!

There's not that many either given the way things are laid out. There are 3 files to change (if you update other games to C++, you'll need to do them too. I've done CTF, regular, Rogue and Xatrix). Look in all the g_local.h and game.h files (it's in two places) for the structure edict_s and look in that structure for the the qboolean field 'inuse'. 1984 cessna 172p poh pdf converter. Now we need to pad the structure. Given the little-endian nature of Intel, add 'qboolean inuse_padding[3];' AFTER the 'qboolean inuse;' This will keep the structure the same and those three bytes are never used for bool/qboolean values anyway.

The other 4 values are in q_shared.h: cvar_s -> qboolean modified; trace_t -> qboolean allsolid; trace_t -> qboolean startsolid; pmove_t -> qboolean snapinitial; Add padding after each of those in every q_shared.h file, recompile and you should be able to run any existing gamex86.dll file. I've tested 4 and they all worked. Ralph, Cool article, it's nice to see something good done with the Q2 source. Most of the gamex86 files are from mods like Rocket Areana, 1492, Pax Imperia. A good source is here: [] and here [] I've worked on the game DLL code before, but since this article, I've worked on the game code and re-implemented some of the stuff I did before and lost the source code for (don't ask me about VSS!). Stuff like a command line switch to set the config file name, an onscreen map listing to switch maps, an ammo hud, etc.

It's nice to be able to do things correctly in the game engine rather than super-hacking the game DLL. Mwilmoth 18-Jul-03 20:45 18-Jul-03 20:45 Since I live in the 'Show Me State' and all, I decided to have some fun and test the performace myself. The test platform was an Athlon XP 1800+, ASUS A7N-266C nForce Motherboard, 500MB RAM, GeForce4 TI4600, Windows XP Pro. I used the standard system stress demo that was popular in the days called 'Massive1.dm2'. The results were: Quake II Native (@1152x864) - 306 frames per second avg.