Php Serial Port Communication Linux Operating
4.1 What is a Serial Port? I've used the communication. Before modules became popular with Linux, the serial driver was usually built into. Explains and list top five utilities that can be used for serial communication under Linux / Unix / *BSD. 25 PHP Security Best. Most embedded Linux / BSD systems such as routers, servers and nas devices comes with console interface (serial port with RS-232). BIOS can uses this, and after boot BIOS screen I/O is redirected so that you can use the device. RS-232 is also used for communicating to headless server, where no monitor or keyboard is installed, during boot when operating system is not running yet and therefore.
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I'm working through exactly the same issue as described by skaap2k. (11/04/07 12:01 AM, ID: 22503690) I am using a Linux (Ubuntu) server and PHP as a web server.
The solution offered appears to be for a command line version of PHP, and doesn't work in my web server. In short, I need to read and write to a GSM modem via the serial port using php. Writing is working fine. Reading using fread() of /dev/ttyS1 stalls the server until the required number of bytes set in fread() and a CR is received.
I need to return from checking the serial port with a null if there is no new data. I'm happy to pick a byte at a time from the serial buffer and assemble it into a string in php. Any suggestions welcome! I can see the logic there, any suggestions who to achieve it? I've also looked at the php stream_set_timeout function but his does not seem to have any effect. The stream_set_blocking function when active, returns immediately without any data.
Thec current test script that gets stuck until the serial data and a CR arrives is below. There are also 'dio_open' (etc) functions within php - but I'm not clear how they differ.
Is this a direction worth exploring? // define serial port to be used & open port $FilePointer = fopen('/dev/ttyS1', 'w+'); // read data //stream_set_blocking($FilePointer, 0); stream_set_timeout($FilePointer, 0,2000); $TextIn = fread($FilePointer, 5); // close port fclose($FilePointer); echo('Rx Text: '); echo($TextIn); Select all. 'Reading using fread() of /dev/ttyS1 stalls the server until the required number of bytes set in fread() and a CR is received.'
You can't set fread loose to take all CPU power, it HAS to be time sliced on the server, else it will sieze the server, as you are experiencing. Typically one uses a time loop of 100ms and in that time loop you check for a byte in the stream.
Then do it again. Then adjust the time window for optimum balance. Remember, a serial port is a hardware device with a continuous data stream or an endless wait for some data stream. You cannot let it run full throttle, you MUST limit it to time slicing to free up CPU time.