Install License On 5508 Controller
We have 2 AIR-CT5508-K9 Controllers with both a license for 100 AP. I want to add in both an extra license of 100AP. My question is, if i purchase these license can i just add them in the controllers using MANAGEMENT-> Software activation-> Commands -> install license. Choose Connection for Cisco Hardware Licenses. Buy a Cisco 5 AP Adder License for the 5508 Controller 5508 Wireless Controller and get great service.
This post is for those of you that are not sure how to upgrade the wireless code using the GUI (I will do another post on how to do it via CLI). Reading this post will give you almost a step-by-step process on how to upgrade a WLC code on a 5508 (its very similar if you have a Cisco Wireless 2504 or virtual WLC (vWLC) controller as well) The following questions will be answered after reading this post: 1. When its a brand new controller without any configuration, how do I update the code? Where is the service port on a 5508 WLC and how do I use it? How do I upgrade primary or secondary wireless code using GUI and a TFTP server? How do I switch between primary image and backup image?
When you first boot up a Cisco 5508 while being consoled in, you will notice the controller go through its boot up process and you will most likely notice on the screen that reads 'Press now to access the Boot Menu.' Now, if you have not configured the new WLC yet, you might be tempted to check out what the menu is all about.
It will look something like this: ============================================================ Boot Loader Menu ============================================================ 1. Run primary image ( - Active 2. Run backup image ( 3.
Change active boot image 4. Clear configuration 5. Format FLASH Drive 6. Manually update images ------------------------------------------------------------ Here you will notice you can change the boot up to run primary or backup image.
Clear the configuration, format FLASH drive or manually update images. You might think, 'hey I can manually update the image'. If you go through option 6, this is what it would look like: Enter selection: 6 Launching. Init started: BusyBox v1.6.0 (2010-05-13 17:50:10 EDT) multi-call binary starting pid 683, tty ': '/etc/init.d/rcS' Use DHCP for ip configuration (Y/n)?
Sajan teri dulhan sajaungi video song download. N Enter switch IP address: Enter switch netmask: Enter switch gateway: Enter TFTP server IP address: You have entered: IP Address: Netmask: Gateway: Server Ip Addr: Is this correct(y/N)? WARNING updating using.aes or unapproved files will disable this unit!!! Do you want to update RTOS (y/N)?
Y Do you want to update Primary Or Secondary Image (P/s)? P Enter filename for RTOS update: AIR-CT5500-K9-7-4-110-0.aes Error updating RTOS, Invalid image type! Do you want to update an AP image (y/N)? N AP Images Not Updated Done. Restarting system. You should NEVER try to update RTOS using.aes file.
This menu does not seem to give you the ability to upgrade the WLC code itself. It does give you the ability to update RTOS and AP image.