How To Install Quake 2 Xp Mode
Explore the CDROM To explore, just open 'My computer' Then right click the Quake Icon'd CDROM drive, Select 'Explore' Browse around there for these: There is an Install.bat. And a setup.exe. Try both, one will work. Should be in the main of the cdrom but, shrugs. Nothing is always the same, sometimes there are different makes out there. PS if you do get it installed, remove OPENGL32.DLL from your Quake Directory, wherever you installed it.
I can't get Quake.exe, glquake.exe, qw.exe, qwgl.exe to work in XP Pro SP2. SO, I can run it, and in highest res, but it isn't very pretty. It is fast tho! Use a source port for the game like Quake 2 Max www.quake2max.com or EGL www.echon.org or Quake 2 Evolved, www.quake2evolved.com. These ports work better than the original Quake 2 EXE and offer much improved graphics and compatibility with newer hardware.
Card reader writer software download. So it uses your graphic card glide drivers and not the old Voodoo drivers. An snag yourself Proquake the updated client. Then make a shortcut of that client with ur specs, or i think that client will automatically choose the max resolution for u now, not 100% sure on that i'm still use to the shortcut then -width 1680 to get my 1680x1050 resolution.