Create Unattend.xml Windows 7
Create a script to remove the unattend.xml file after deployment. On the deployment base image computer open Notepad and enter in the following These lines of code will delete the unattend.xml file from the computer once the Windows Setup is finished with them (this file is copied into the.
I'm trying to create an unattend.xml file. I have made it myself by copy/paste parts of code i like to try and make something work but haven't been successful. What my goal is to not give the user any prompts except to partition the disk and to enter a computer name. Also the computer should auto activate with the entered mak key. I would like the windows firewall to be enabled and set to work and windows update to automatically update.
How much do you save using the costco auto program. Aditionally I would like Internet explorer to use google as the search provider and not give any first run wizard. I would also like to add one site to compatibility view. The computer will go into a workgroup to be added to the domain later.
I tried to make the below file and the sysprep process begins but then there are a few errors after setup installing devices and the whole process fails. Please can someone take a look and fix my unattend.xml. Thanks in advance. I copy unattend.xml to c: windows system32 sysprep, I use the below command to start the process: sysprep /generalize /oobe /shutdown /unattend:c: windows system32 sysprep unattend.xml I get the error: windows setup encountered an internal error while loading or searching for an unattend file.
When the Sysprep is run and the /unattend: X: MyAnswerFile switch is not used ( X: MyAnswerFile = path to your answer file), Sysprep looks if the folder C: Windows System32 Sysprep contains an answer file unattend.xml. If not, Sysprep will be run without an answer file. In other words, if you name your answer file as unattend.xml and save it to C: Windows System32 Sysprep folder, it will be used. If you name it anything else, or if you place it to any other location, you have to use the /unattend: X: MyAnswerFile switch. Example 1: An answer file called unattend.xml saved in C: Windows System32 Sysprep folder, this command would run Sysprep using that answer file, rebooting to OOBE mode.
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